Our Deceased Dogs
German Shepherds

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Jack & Aisha

Here's Betty again with Jack on her right and Aisha in front.  Great dogs!



Conya von Ost Burge.  She was a great dog and worked so well for Betty.  Betty took Conya from untitled to Schutzhund III and became one of the few women in the US to join the Schutzhund 3 Club.  Here they are in 1989 when Conya was 4 years old with some of their Schutzhund working competition trophies. 


Aisha vom Sabel.  Aisha says "Hi!"  To get a good look at her Dalmatian pedigree (just joking - as she's from German working lines), get a close up view of her tongue by clicking her picture.  Aisha was Ray's favorite.



Jack von der Ruine Engelhaus.  Jack was born in 1990 and was from the last litter of Gernot and Sue Riedel.  Gernaut brought the Schutzhund sport from Germany to the United States.  Jack, for a male, was very affectionate.  Betty titled Jack to Schutzhund I.


Xara vom Younghaus.  Click here for her own web page.


Copyright Protege Marketing 1998 - Revised 05 Aug 2005