Each of these photos can enlarged by clicking on them. Use your browser's return
button to get back to this page. If you get the idea we like dogs and camping -
you're right! There are more photos in the Genealogy pages.
History of IBM's first laser
printer |
Betty's dad, "Bud" and his wife Dorothy at his 78th birthday
party. Betty and her daughter, Tracie, are shown too. |
Ray and his son, Steve. |
Betty had a great day fishing near Tahoe. We'd spent a week camping
with our dogs at Snow Flower. |
We hiked 12 miles into the Emigrant Wilderness near Yosemite. Here's
our campsite at 9,000 feet. Absolutely quiet with not a soul around.
Wonderful! |
After a long day of hiking, nothing beats roasting marshmallows, a hot cup
of chocolate, and a book! |
